
富布赖特韦德体育app官网萨拉·法蒂玛说 hopes to make a difference through science

法蒂玛正在攻读博士学位.D. in biological and biomedical sciences at 韦德体育app官网



富布赖特韦德体育app官网萨拉·法蒂玛说 hopes to make a difference through science

富布赖特韦德体育app官网萨拉·法蒂玛说’s aspiration to care for society and better the world inspired her educational path in molecular biology. When it came to choosing a university to transform that passion into reality, 韦德体育app官网’s (OU) cutting-edge research labs and expert faculty solidified OU as her number one choice.

With the support of professors and revolutionary research opportunities in her Ph.D. program at OU, the Pakistan native hopes to make a difference through science.

“Being a Fulbright scholar is truly an honor for me, something I proudly carry with me like a badge of achievement,法蒂玛说. “The Fulbright experience offers unique opportunities that are unparalleled. It provides an invaluable chance to immerse oneself in the diverse culture of the United States while gaining a deeper understanding of its educational landscape. Moreover, Fulbright opens doors to numerous opportunities that might not be accessible otherwise. I am truly grateful for the privilege of being a Fulbright scholar.”

During her time at 韦德体育app官网, Fatima has been working in the laboratory of Dr. Chhabi Govind, a professor in the Department of Biological 科学.

“Dr. Govind has been a very supportive and approachable academic mentor,法蒂玛说. “His kindness and willingness to assist in laboratory research are truly commendable. Dr. Govind’s friendly demeanor makes him easy to approach, fostering an environment conductive to collaboration and learning. His deep understanding of the subject matter shines through as he patiently guides me through research queries, providing valuable insights and encouragement along the way.”

Dr. Govind's laboratory uses budding yeast as a model organism to investigate the relationship between chromatin structure and gene 转录, which is the process of extracting information from DNA. 揭开DNA的秘密, it is essential to understand how DNA is made available to 转录 machinery. DNA in eukaryotes is wrapped around a histone octamer to form nucleosomes, which are fundamental units of chromatin.

“To access DNA and initiate 转录, chromatin must be modified to make the DNA accessible,法蒂玛说. “This is achieved by factors known as chromatin remodelers, which contain enzymes capable of breaking histone-DNA interaction.”

Chromatin Structure Remodeling complex RSC is a member of the SWI/SNF family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers, and mutations in these complexes are found in approximately 20 percent of all human cancers.

“One of the lab's primary focuses is to delineate the role of SWI/SNF and RSC in regulating chromatin structure under stressful conditions,法蒂玛说, who is spearheading a project that aims to outline how SWI/SNF controls gene expression and communicates with autophagic bodies in the cytoplasm to survive acute starvation.

“这项研究, 结合了分子生物学, 遗传学, 生物化学, 下一代测序, 具有重要意义,”她说。. “By understanding how a starvation signal is transmitted to the nucleus to transcribe genes necessary for surviving starvation stress, we can potentially develop strategies to enhance cellular resilience. I have already identified candidate genes and am in the process of creating mutants that will shed light on how the transport of amino acids from the vacuole to the cytoplasm signals gene 转录."

Driven by fervent dedication to effect positive change, Fatima endeavors to leverage her skills and knowledge to contribute significantly to the advancement of global healthcare initiatives. 在获得博士学位后.D. in biological and biomedical sciences at 韦德体育app官网, she aspires to channel her passion and expertise toward a distinguished career with globally esteemed institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

“Sara is poised to make unique contributions to the field of chromatin, 转录, 和自噬,戈文德说。.
